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what are the benefits of coworking spaces? We asked this question to the Archimake’s members that daily experience coworking 06 August 2020

In order to appreciate the advantages of coworking, firstly we need to define what a coworking space is: it's a shared place where freelancers, startupper of experts in different subjects work independently. 


It goes without saying that being in coworking spaces has its benefits. In 2015, the Harvard Business Review went through the positive aspects of coworking spaces. The article pointed out that people who work in shared spaces thrive because they experience a unique sense of vitality and learning


Moreover, coworking space users perceive their work as meaningful, have a deeper sense of belongingness and ultimately can properly manage their working hours


In another article of the Harvard Business Review, working in shared spaces is linked to feel less lonely. In the light of the Coronavirus pandemic, workers have been experiencing smart woking: it has some major benefits, but also some drawbacks such as solitude. When people came back to their working places- especially in coworking environments- they suddenly experienced the peerless beauty of interaction and cooperation among workers. In fact, working at home weeds out a fundamental trait of working with people which is being together


when all is said and done, what the Archimake team’s member think of being in a coworking space, such as Archimake?


According to Alessia Macrì who is a designer, Archimake is a working place in which relationships are boosted 


For Valentina Misceo, who works in Archimake as an architect, coworking means belonging to a lively community.


Emanuela Megli, expert in Consulting and Training, Archimake is an Open Innovation Hub, a place of beauty and wellness.